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no mans landd., Japan
takeen.senior '10.employeed$$. - needs a vacay ASAP

Thursday, August 20, 2009

pointless drama ?

Now a days girls are getting out of hand with this pointless dramma shit. And it's not like its something serious for example a girl can get mad at you just because you picked other friend over her , instead of hanging out with her and she gets mad about it.Personally I could care less because I know at the end of the day shes either ONE: going to run back and tell me shes sorry , or TWO: tell everyone and make herself feel special about the situation. I think thats a reason for girls to get jealous of you because the have something called "envy" when they try to be like you but they could never be because they dont have the right tools and materials to be like you.. but hey that's girls for you.. what can I say pointless drama makes me laugh.

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