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no mans landd., Japan
takeen.senior '10.employeed$$. - needs a vacay ASAP

Friday, October 30, 2009

Last Year . . .

Last year to realize what your exactly going to be doing in the next 3 to 4 years from now. You get all that stress from teacher,parents you need to find out what you're doing now before it's too late, or if you dont take the right courses you cant do this or you cant do THAT. Well i'm here today to say that thats all a false statement, all you really have to do is apply to anything you put your mind too , no matter what is it, dont let the elders in your life make that decision for you because if you let them do it, and you picked what they say theres a high chance of you not liking your field of choice of the mistake you made by listening to other people, that's what I realized. This is the year to realize who's going to be your friend 5 years down the road and whos going just forget about you just because of the simple fact you guys are older and moved on with you lives? Who's going to be that one guy/girl that you're thinking about taking the next step with , or where are you going to be living in a couple years? are you going to be that same person you were back in highschool or totally opposite? All these thoughts came to me and kinda scared me in a way just to think the other day i was in middle school and i didnt have anything to worry about no stress or nothing everything was done for me, and now come to realize we basically have to support ourselves because if we dont do it , who's gunna do it for us? NO ONE WILL. But on a positive note it's going to be fun and interesting but hard at the sametime to figure out who you really are.. which is going to take alot of soul searching to really figure that onee.

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